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EDC 06-04-2003 (RESCHEDULED-5-28-03)
Members present:        Chairperson Marjorie Anthony, Members, Joe Carino, Terrie Kyc, Marilyn Morrison, Clifford Slicer, James Murray

Members absent: Joseph DeMaio, Edwina Futtner, Mark Lillis, James Murray, Janis Murtha

Alternates absent:      David Fields

Alternates present:     Daniel Rys, sitting for Janis Murtha
                                   John Mitchell, sitting for Mark Lillis
Dwight Johnson, sitting for Edwina Futtner


Chairperson Anthony called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m.




Peter DeMaille attended                                                             


A motion to approve the minutes of the April 23, 2003, Regular Meeting, was made by Commissioner Rys. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Slicer and passed unanimously.


Chairperson Anthony apologized to the Commission for canceling the Meeting of May 28th, stating she should have let Vice Chairperson Carino take the meeting over for her.

She reported that she has been spending a lot of time with the Economic Incentive Program. She had been trying to get Pelton’s Drug Store into Town, but it is not going to happen now, as it had taken too long to get back to them. She never received keys and site-plans on time.  She tried to get them to change their mind, but to no avail.

She also spent a week or so looking for 3,000 square feet of office and warehouse space for someone who lives in Town currently running a small business in their home and looking to expand. They needed loading dock and overhead door, she unfortunately, could not find them anything.


Liaison Reports:

Report from Clifford Slicer, Liaison, Planning and Zoning Commission:
Commissioner Slicer had nothing to report.
Report from Mr. DeMaio, Liaison, Inland/Wetlands:
Commissioner DeMaio had nothing to report.

Report from Mr. Carino, Liaison, Water Pollution and Control Authority:
Commissioner Carino stated that Zoppa Studios came in asking for a sewer connection as they are moving to building that has 15,000 square feet, he had 11,000.

Had a public hearing on the sewer user rate, the rate has not changed. There are increases in cost at the facility; they are going to raise some of the assessment fees.

He also stated that the houses on the east side of Avery Street are using a lot more water than any other section in Town; Vernon is charging them more and more for the sewer usage as their charge is based on the water consumption given to them from Connecticut Water. They have asked Fred Shaw to get more data on this.

Sub Committee Reports:

Report from the Marketing/Communications Sub Committee:
The Chair stated that the video is almost finished; it was in the process of being edited. The video will be shown on channel 15 one day a week for a month.

b)   Report from Commissioner David Fields of the Business Retention Sub-Committee:
Commissioner Fields and Commissioner Lillis were not present.

c)   Report from Research Analysis/Recommendations Sub-Committee:
     The Chair had nothing to report, as there have been no meetings since the last report.

Tax Incentive Program:
The Chair had a meeting with the Town Attorney, the Mayor and the Town Manager, to discuss the Economic Incentive Program. They discussed a few changes, she was to receive the changes prior to the EDC meeting of May 28, 2003, but she did not receive them. She received an Agenda from the Town Council for the June 2, 2003 meeting with the EDC listed. She called the Mayor and stated that the changes had not gone before the EDC yet, the Mayor tabled the meeting. She met with the Town Attorney again on June 2, 2003 to go over the changes made previously and came up with another draft.

The Commissioners received copies of the new draft and they had a lengthy discussion on some of the changes they felt were necessary. After their discussion, Commissioner Carino suggested to Chairperson Anthony that the Town Manager and Council Liaisons be invited to the next EDC meeting to express their concerns and recommend their changes, or to have a work session; the Chair agreed.

Commissioner Mitchell stated that the next scheduled meeting on June 25th would be difficult for many members to attend as there is another function going on in Town for them to attend.  The Commissioners decided to hold their meeting on the 24th. The Chair will be inviting the Town Manager to the June 24th meeting to try to finalize the Economic Incentive Program and go on the Town Council Agenda for their June 30th meeting instead of the 16th.

The Chair received a letter from O & W Heat; they put an addition on their building on Route 5 and at one time had spoken with Denise Whitford regarding receiving a Tax Incentive, she had sent them all the criteria.  The Chair spoke with the Town Manager and he stated that since the addition has been completed for a year and O & W did not follow through with the process, he can not now go to the Council and say he wants to give them a Tax Incentive;  the Council would say no since  O & W never did their part. Pete DeMaille stated that he has spoken with O & W and they feel that when Denise Whitford left, there was no further communication from the Town. Commissioner Carino suggested the EDC get the paper trail from O & W and the Town’s paper trail to see what the status of the application was when Denise Whitford left. The Chair felt that they should not be put on the Agenda, as they can attend a meeting and be heard under Public Participation; it was suggested that they attend the EDC meeting on July 23rd.


A motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:40 p.m. was made by Commissioner Mitchell, seconded by Commissioner Murray and unanimously passed.

Debbie Kocher
Recording Secretary